Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ho Ho Ho!!

Mya's first time on Santa's lap. Luckily my dad plays Santa cause Nick wouldn't let me take her to the mall, he said those Santa's are too creepy! :)
Paislee, Cooper &Mya sitting with Santa (aka my dad!)
Here are some cute ones I caught of her sitting by the tree.

Mya in her cute Christmas dress, you can't see it but she's wearing sparkly silver tights! She looked so cute!
Holding her bottle by herself.

Playing with Grandpa!!
Here's the gloworm my Mom bought her for Christmas, she loves it!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What a fun week!

Mya's very own Christmas tree for her room, she loves it! She really likes the lights.
She loves standing up like this her legs are getting so strong!
Getting ready to go to grandmas so dad can go to work!
So cute eating from a big girl spoon!
Her rolling process.....
Yay victory! She makes the cutest grunting noises when she tries turning over!!
We've had some pretty fun things happen this week....

Mya now rolls from her tummy to her back, it is so cute! When we went to the dr last week he asked us if she was rolling yet and we told him she tries but not yet. He told us to give her tummy time every day even if she hates it and cries! Well she did hate it and she did cry but we did it anyway......and Wednesday Dec. 7th Mya was rolling on her own. It is really cute we obviously were so excited about it so we make a really big deal every time she does it and she just gets a giant smile and is eager to do it again for us! She is now trying really hard to go from her back to her tummy, it won't be too long before she has that one down too!! We have it on video so as soon as I figure how to post videos and make them work on here I will do it! Sorry about the laughing video I will have Nick work on it. I can't believe how fast she is learning things.

She also all of us sudden this week has had a real love for Louie! We put her on the ground and call for him and when he comes over she follows him and giggles like crazy!! Now it's to the point where all I have to do is say Louie and she starts looking around the room until she finds him and then there comes that big smile and giggle. Louie now growls at Brittney's little dogs when we are at my moms house if they get near Mya. He has finally realized she is part of the family and he wants to protect her, it's so funny! I can't wait till she can move around and play with Louie on her own, I think they will end up being good buddies!

She has learned how to spit and she will not stop doing it, it's pretty funny! When she learns one new trick she will do it over and over and over! We have some video of her doing that as well so I'll show you as soon as I can. Whenever she's awake that's what she loves to do while playing with her toys or pretty much while doing anything, she's learning all these new things. This is cute until I am feeding her cereal and she starts spitting that at me....not so fun!

We are starting to prep her for Hawaii by getting her off of breast milk and onto soy formula...the regular formula made her sick :( She is doing great we are now to about half breast milk half soy. I can't believe how big she is getting and how much she is changing! This morning I got her out of bed and she does this cute thing where she smiles really big and puts her hands up by her mouth almost like a shy sort of smile! It also accompanies these little squeals of happy! I hugged her and started to say I love you and she just giggled and giggled, it melted my heart in every way!!! Then I brought her out to get her bottle and it wasn't warming quick enough for her I guess and she got so mad, grabbed my nose (very hard) and started screaming angrily! It was pretty funny, she is already such a girl happy one minute and ticked the next!

I talked to my boss and starting Jan 9th I am officially going part time!!!!!! I will only work a few hours Mon-Thurs and the rest of the time I will be home with sweet Mya! I am so excited!! It will be nice to have some hours at work but be able to be home with Mya most of the time! They were so great to work with me and it is all working out much better than I ever thought it would. YAY!!!! You know this whole situation is so not what I ever would have planned for myself but I am so glad that an all knowing and loving Heavenly Father knew what would be best for me and make me the most happy! Things are better than anything I could have planned for myself!

Nick is almost done with school for the semester and that's something to celebrate too! One more week and then only 3 semesters to go! YAY!!!! We will be throwing a huge party when he is finally done with school! On a not so good note I found out Friday that I have walking pneumonia...yikes it has not been fun but after taking my antibiotics and using my inhaler for a couple days I am starting to feel a lot better. Nick has been great to do most of the work with Mya so I don't get her sick too. We don't want any one sick for Hawaii. :)
LOL she is not picking her just looks that way!
Look at her stand by herself!

So cute!

Mya and baby Cooper, she's not sure what to think of him yet.
She was going to town eating my mom's finger with strawberry cheesecake on it, she loved it!
Paislee dropped by to see us!
Brady says the only way he can get Paislee to eat her lunch is if he promises her she can see Mya!
Paislee tried to climb in Mya's swing with funny, she is a ball of energy just like my brother!
Mya loves other little kids so she likes spending time with her cousins on both sides!
All the cousins LOVE Mya, she is a big hit with our families!
Here they are watching Frosty the Snowman and Paislee is trying to get Mya to take a nap!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Grandma's fun!

Mya and Sami
They are becoming good buddies....look at how Mya looks at Sami!
Mya and Bailee! Bailee is so awesome at taking care of her. She will be a great babysitter!
Mya and cute!
Grandma has all kinds of fun toys at her house, Mya loves it.
Mya and grandma! 

Nick's mom watches Mya on Wednesdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays Nick's sister Carly comes over and brings the kids. Sami usually spends most of the day there helping take care of Mya. I think it has been good for all of our family members to help watch Mya. We appreciate all the help we get from everyone, they have all been lifesavers. She is creating strong bonds with all of them and it has been fun to watch. They all love her so much and take such great care of her. I still can't wait to be able to be home with her all the time myself!!!


I won a really nice video camera at my work Christmas party on Friday night! We are so excited it couldn't have happened at a better time! Now we will be able to post videos which will be really fun. Here is one of her laughing.....her little voice is so sweet.

Mya's loves her new jumperoo!

Nick's mom got this jumperoo for Mya for Christmas. Mya is so cute in there! She smiles and laughs and loves to play with all the toys! She can almost touch the ground which will be fun because then she can start bouncing herself right now we have to do the bouncing for her. her face lights up and she concentrates really hard to figure out how to play with all the different jungle toys. I feel like we need a whole other room in our house just for her toys and she's only 4 months old! They make so many cool things right now that make life easier and more fun for the little ones. We love the jumperoo, it's been a lot of fun. Thanks grandma and grandpa!!!!!

A healthy little girl....

Everyone thinks she looks like Cindy Lou Who when I do her hair like this!
I have this as my wallpaper on my computer at work and everyone loves it!

4 Month Stats: 
Date: 12/1/11
Length: 24 inches (32%)
Weight: 14 lbs (49%)
Head Circ: 42.9 (89%)

Mya's visit to the doctor was pretty good. She had to get shots again which was so sad but this time Nick was there to hold her down so I didn't have to. She is a tough little girl only cried for a second and then she was back to smiling. We gave her some tylenol before bed and she seemed to not be bothered at all by her legs. Dr says she looks very good and healthy, yay! We get to start feeding her baby cereal now too. She is not a huge fan yet but we will keep trying! This last couple days has been rough as we are trying to get her used to formula so that when we go to Hawaii we won't have any issues since we can't take frozen breast milk with us. She pretty much HATES it. Her tummy is not liking the regular formula so we are going to switch to soy but we've taken a little break so that we can give her tummy time to settle down. She got to the point where she just refused to eat, it was sad. I've never seen her turn food down before. We still have 20 days to figure it out so we'll keep trying! We just can't believe this little girl is almost at the point where she can eat real food......holy cow! She is growing up so fast.