Sunday, December 4, 2011

A healthy little girl....

Everyone thinks she looks like Cindy Lou Who when I do her hair like this!
I have this as my wallpaper on my computer at work and everyone loves it!

4 Month Stats: 
Date: 12/1/11
Length: 24 inches (32%)
Weight: 14 lbs (49%)
Head Circ: 42.9 (89%)

Mya's visit to the doctor was pretty good. She had to get shots again which was so sad but this time Nick was there to hold her down so I didn't have to. She is a tough little girl only cried for a second and then she was back to smiling. We gave her some tylenol before bed and she seemed to not be bothered at all by her legs. Dr says she looks very good and healthy, yay! We get to start feeding her baby cereal now too. She is not a huge fan yet but we will keep trying! This last couple days has been rough as we are trying to get her used to formula so that when we go to Hawaii we won't have any issues since we can't take frozen breast milk with us. She pretty much HATES it. Her tummy is not liking the regular formula so we are going to switch to soy but we've taken a little break so that we can give her tummy time to settle down. She got to the point where she just refused to eat, it was sad. I've never seen her turn food down before. We still have 20 days to figure it out so we'll keep trying! We just can't believe this little girl is almost at the point where she can eat real food......holy cow! She is growing up so fast.

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