Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Time goes by so fast....

Some of the things that she is doing at 4 months: 
Laughs a LOT, sometimes she laughs so hard she chokes and can't breathe
Tries really hard to hold her bottle by herself
Recognizes her bottle and gets excited when she sees it
Tries to roll from her back to her tummy...she's getting close
She can follow objects in front of her face
Reaches for and grabs anything in front of her
Kicks her legs and throws her arms all over when she gets excited
Eats a TON...about 7 oz every feeding
Sleeps in every morning until about 9:00 or 9:30
Loves to stand up while holding onto our fingers....she is so dang strong!
Loves to sit up, she can stay up on her own but only for a few seconds.
Recognizes Mom and Dad
Lots and lots of smiles
Does not like to sit still
Makes growling noises
Drools like crazy....teeth may be coming
Puts anything and everything in her mouth
Screams really loud
She really likes it when Nick and I sing to her....especially when we rap "pajama time" or "baby got back", lol it's true we do that! 

Nick surprised her by taking this picture, if you can't tell by her giant eyes!
Here she is watching The Sing Off....she was trying to do a little singing herself. Nick and I were laughing so hard!
This may be one of my favorite pictures...she is so cute!
Look at that killer mo-hawk!

These are her new fur boots....we like to call them the dumb and dumber boots! They look so cute on her.
She likes holding Grover when she takes her naps!
She likes playing with her little fish sponge in the bath. Right now she is loving to eat it, she really puts everything in her mouth!
This is Mya in a Princess powered Toyota Land Cruiser car that Brady bought for Paislee. Her birthday is next month and I have a feeling all the kids are going to love driving this thing around, it is awesome!
My little brother Codie was having her dance, she was having so much fun!!
See that drool dripping down her chin, we have to keep a bib on her at all times or she soaks through her clothes!
She is working so hard to hold that bottle on her own.
She likes sitting in the kitchen to watch me cook. She was talking her head off tonight!

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