Friday, February 17, 2012

Forever & ever....

Mt. Timpanogos Temple February 4, 2012
Some of our friends and family, the ones that were able to stay for pictures.:)
Mya's first trip to the temple!
Beautiful Mya!
Her blue eyes are to die for! She looks like a doll.
She was so smiley and happy the entire day, we had a lot of fun!
Dad can always make her smile!
I LOVE this sweet little angel!
LOL....poor Nick he always ends up carrying everything.
Her special purple shoes!
Her face in this picture is so funny and cute!
Her favorite thing is to be thrown in the air, the higher the better. She just smiles and laughs and can't get enough!
In this picture she was looking up at Nick.....she sure loves him!


 Our great friend Emily took these pictures for us at the temple. They turned out better than I could have ever imagined! Mya is the most perfect thing in the world. This experience was one of the most amazing ones we have ever had. We had so many of our friends and family there to celebrate and support us. There was an overwhelming feeling of love, we could feel your sweet spirit there too. Mya looked like an angel in her white dress. Thank you for making this whole thing possible. We thought about you the entire time and couldn't be more grateful for you. We each had something purple on to honor you........we really do love you so much! We will love you and Mya forever!

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