Sunday, February 26, 2012


Nick and I both love this picture. Sometimes she gets tired from rolling all over and she will just stop like this on her belly and chill for a sec. It's so cute!

Here are some things that have happened lately with Mya that you might enjoy hearing about! 

This morning at 5:00 I heard Mya crying so I got up to make sure she was ok and when I went in her room her crib mobile thing was on playing nature sounds. I just figured Nick had already been up with her or something and had turned it on for her. If she wakes during the night all we do is go in put her binky in her mouth or turn her music mobile on and then she goes right back to sleep. I asked Nick if he had to get up with her at all last night and he said no......that means little miss Mya turned her mobile on all by herself! The buttons for the mobile are inside the crib and I guess since she has been watching for so long how we turn her music on she decided to try it out for herself. Now if we can just get her to reach the music button instead of nature sounds we'll be off the hook! Lol we both thought it was so funny! She is getting too smart!

Also we have been working with her for about 3 weeks on waving hi and bye. Yesterday I took her to the store and the lady was asking about her and then waved and said "hi Mya" she stared for a minute and then started waving back!!!! It was so cute! When I got home I told Nick and he didn't believe me. My friend Emily came over last night to show us Mya's 6 month pictures (you are going to die they are so cute) and she waved and said "hi" to Mya while Nick was there and guess what Mya full on waved again!! Ha ha in your face It was awesome! We can't get her to wave to us but apparently she is fine waving to anyone else. It is so funny to start seeing her do all these new big girl things. Oh man I just want her to stay little forever!

Nick is a hero!!! We had our first really scary experience with Mya last Sunday. She was eating a cracker like she has a million times and all of a sudden she started choking. Her little face was turning purple and she was making an awful noise. I freaked right out and kind of froze at the same time. Nick had just walked in from meetings after church (thank heavens!!) I grabbed her and tried to get the piece of cracker out of her mouth but that didn't work. Nick practically jumped over the couch grabbed her put her upside down across his knee, patted her back one time and out popped the little piece of cracker. Louie was standing right next to Nick and as soon as the cracker came out she busted up laughing. I was still shaking and in some sort of shock....I need to work on being able to pull myself together in an emergency.  Nick was even a little shaken but he is pretty calm in tense situations. But apparently Mya just thought it was funny! She is a little stinker sometimes. I think one reason why she laughed is because Louie was right there in her sight she seriously loves that dog! Anyway I hope that never happens again it was pretty scary. I just thought it was funny for her to defuse such a tense moment by laughing!! I love her so much she is always like a bright ray of sunshine, she makes it easy to smile!

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