Monday, February 27, 2012

Love this little girl more every day!

Here she is holding one of her favorite things of baby food, a mixture of peas and pears!
Getting ready for church. I love dressing her she has a ton of cute clothes and she looks great in everything!
This is her favorite caterpillar toy that she found at my mom's house. he has a little bobble head and she just loves him.
She loves pizza crust!!
This is what my mom got her for Valentines Day! Nick's mom bought her a darling dress too, she is pretty spoiled!
More pizza crust....she always wants to be a part of our meals. She loves food! A girl after my own heart!

Playing with Dad. She is very much into touching our faces right now. She also loves my earings and really any jewelry that I have on she wants to touch.
She misses her Dad when he has to work all day and is always so happy to see him when he comes home!

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