Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's day!

Mya and Daddy on Father's cute is that! 
Nick is wearing the new shirt and tie we bought him for Father's Day!
Lol Nick is pretty excited about the card from Mya!
Mya loved helping Dad open his presents.
She was being so cute!!
Here's some tissue paper! This is her trying to clean up.....that's my girl!
So pretty!
Mya and my Dad, we made him a tie card and gave him some chocolates!
Mya loves when Grandpa feeds her Popsicles!
Here she is at Nick's parents house giving Tigger a kiss. She loves to kiss all the dolls.

She loves playing with her cousins! She gets so much attention at Grandma's house!
I love that they are both making the same face!!
If you have glasses watch out cause she'll try and take them!
Nick was so excited to celebrate his first official Father's Day with the CUTEST, BEST baby girl around!
I don't even know how to express thanks for this day! Nick is the most amazing Dad to Mya. She loves him so much, he can always make her smile and giggle and that's how I hope their relationship will always be. He would do anything for her and stop at nothing to protect her. She is the luckiest little girl to have him watching over her. Thank you Amy for your part in making this day happen! We sure love ya! Hooray for Dad's!!!!!

Happy Father's Day!!

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