Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pool time!!

Cooper and Mya and my Mom's swimming in her pool!

Britt got in the pool with them, they had so much fun!
Here's Mya eating a strawberry while in the pool! She is so funny!
It was really hot today so the pool felt good!

This was freezing cold water coming from the hose and she was not bothered by it at all!

Cooper and Mya sitting on the lawn at the Lindon pool about to go swimming!
Mya and I walked into the pool and I didn't notice I was walking under a bucket. The second we walked under the bucket dumped water and soaked us! It was pretty funny!
We took them in the lazy river and they had a blast!
Here's what happened when we put them in the car...they were both so tired!
This is the bubble bath she got after she woke up from her nap! We had such a fun day at the pool!

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