Saturday, June 30, 2012

St George with the Robisons!

Mya and Nick resting on the couch after a long day of work and a 4 hour drive to St George!
Sami and Bailee were so happy to see Mya, they got to St George later than we did but we kept Mya up to say hi!
Sami and Mya ready for our boating trip!
Me, Mya and Bailee lounging on the boat at Sand Hollow Lake in St George.
This lake was beautiful!
Mya munching on a pretzel
Mya and I have the sane cute!
Now she's eating some licorice!

She is so fun! She will roll with whatever we do and she's happy to do it!

Playing at the pool! It was over 100 degrees so the water felt great!
Her face lights up when she gets in the water, she honestly loves it!
Getting ready to jump to Dad.......
Then she lunges herself forward!!!! Yay!
She has so much fun diving off the side of the pool to us!
I love this picture!

Me, Sami, Bailee, Carter and Mya.We have so much fun traveling with the Robison's!! We were so glad Nick's sister Carly got to come and didn't have any allergic reactions while we were there.
Swinging at the park.
She was really loving this. :)
When I put her on my lap she just giggled like crazy!
Getting ready to go down the slide.
Woo Hoo! That's a tall slide. She's such a dare devil!
Cousins are awesome! All four of her cousins were so sweet to her. Austin the oldest boy even babysat her for a bit, she loves them all so much! They are great with her even when she wants to take their expensive toys like iphones and ipods, they share all their fun stuff!
This is Nick at like 11:30 in the afternoon...taking a nap! He always says he can't take naps int he middle of the day....ha I had to take a picture and prove him wrong!
Mya and Uncle Brandon. He is the one that taught her the ET trick with her finger!
She is starting to put stuff together like how to put lids on and what specific things are for. One of the things she has started doing lately is brushing her hair....well she tries. Most of the time she ends up clunking the back side of the brush on her head. At least she gets the concept. :)
If you notice the big bruise on her head, she is getting these more and more as she starts pulling herself up on furniture. Also she is pretty fearless so she bonks things a lot. She's getting so big :)

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