Sunday, June 3, 2012


Mya's first boating trip! We went to Utah Lake, it was a blast! It was so nice to be out on the's been a long time!
Here she is watching the kids swim and loving every minute :)
This was a dream come true for Nick.....he is excited to make her into his little boating girl! He's already telling me he wants to teach her how to wake board. I think we might want to get her walking first!
She loves the water...even when it's cold!
The water was pretty cold but Mya didn't mind a bit. She loved sitting on the deck where the cold water was splashing all over her and watching the kids splash and play in the water.
This is a rare occasion that we get to have Carly out with us. Since her allergies have gotten worse she usually stays home because she has reactions almost everywhere she goes and they can be really dangerous. It was SO fun to see her! We miss her on our fun outings.
Mya was in heaven sitting on our laps and eating pretzels!
Mya and Uncle Brandon. We love being with their family! They are so much fun and so good to us.
She really loved eating gummy worms. This is the first time she has ever had them.
She is so cute if you look close you can see the front two teeth poking out of her mouth!
Mya is such a snuggler right now I LOVE it! I would hold her like this forever if I could.
Cute Sami wishing she could drive the boat! She also loves honking the horn....which she did a lot! :)
Boating wore Mya out this is how she looked as soon as I put her in the car. So sweet!

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