Thursday, August 16, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

Mya and I met Nick at the Fashion Place Mall for lunch one day this last week. He has had a hard time leaving Mya to go to work. It was fun for us to see him during the day! Here's Mya giving him a huge hug.
Bailee, Mya's cousin turned 13 right after Mya's birthday. They had a party for her at their Aunt's house and I took Mya over to swim. She had fun, even though she is being feisty in this picture. This swimming suit is very cute on her!
Telling me to stop......oh dear she has attitude!
At Bailee's party Mya had her first encounter with cotton candy....of course she loved it. I am mean and took it away from her after she had a few bites.
Blue raspberry cotton candy mouth!
We all went out to dinner for Bailee's birthday. This was Mya's first time going to Tepanyaki. This is one of our favorite restaurants. Looks like she's about to pound Bailee with the menu :)

Me, Mya and Bailee waiting for the food.....
Mya sat and ate a ton of the ginger steak sauce they gave us, weird thing for a baby to like. It almost looked like she needed a straw to slurp it up. Oh man she is pretty funny!
She loved watching them cook the food in front of us. Lots of fire and cool stuff to look at.
One of her snacks everyday is cheese. I just put a pile of grated cheese and she shovels it in her mouth! She loves cheese!

So nice she's sharing / getting rid of her veggies! Louie is loving her eating real food cause he gets whatever she doesn't want.
Aunt Carly did Mya's hair today when she babysat her for me, so cute!

She loves pizza! Now that she has an entire mouth full of teeth she can eat it like a big girl!

She loves trying to put her clothes on's hilarious!
Playing peek a boo!!
She loves to color. I bought her some coloring books and sticker books that she plays with all the time. Especially at church, keeps her quiet and entertained. :)

We have been so busy with moving and all. I think she is really settling into our new routine and she seems to be learning new things all the time. She is still very friendly, she waves to everyone. All the people in our new ward love her. Nick is teaching the 8 year old kids in primary and I am the laurel adviser for Young Womens. Mya has lots of new friends in both classes. Codie and Mary are moving into our condo to rent it so we've been busy trying to get that all ready for them. We've also been looking at lots of houses and meeting with builders to try and decide where we want to be and what kind of a house we want to get. That has been really fun I get excited to think of having a back yard and a toy room for Mya. Not to mention an extra room or two for more kiddos! I am still working a little bit this month just to make sure the person taking my spot is all trained. Nick is also still working for Zions Bank after his other job because they have not been able to replace him. Nick starts school next week so that will add yet another thing........yikes!!  Life is always crazy busy no matter what stage you are in, we're figuring that out. Life is great! We've been thinking about you a ton and hoping that boot camp went good, can't wait to hear all about it!

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