Thursday, August 16, 2012

Visiting Aunt Brooke

We love and miss Brooke!
Here's the flowers we took to Brooke. Aren't they so cute!
She loved the flowers, they were spinning in the wind.

Mya giving her kisses....she was being so sweet!

Since we've moved into the Jarrett's basement apartment we have been thinking a lot about Brooke. She is the one that lived here before we did. So I have always thought of it as her apartment. We really miss her!! I did not get to spend near as much time with her as I would have liked. She was always so cute with Carly's kids and I wish more that anything that we could have seen her interact with Mya here. We decided to take some flowers out to her. I found that darling little rain boot vase that reminded me of her, she is just spunky and fun and I think she would have liked it! We filled it with flowers and headed out to her grave. This experience at the cemetery was special for us.  We got there and I had been telling her that we were going to see Brooke. We got out of the car and I said "hi Brooke" Mya immediately turned towards Brooke's grave and started waving. Then she started making kissing sounds, it was more than evident that she knows her Aunt Brooke. It was so sweet it brought me to tears. I am so thankful for the sealing power that binds us together as families forever!

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