Thursday, August 16, 2012


Mya and Cooper just getting to the Aquarium.
They look so excited......

Just chillin by some fish.
This was the coolest sting ray I have ever seen!
Here is a 13 foot Anaconda snake......this one gave me the creeps!!!!!
Britt came up from Provo to go to the aquarium with us. We were supposed to meet Carly and the kids there but Mya's nap went longer and of course I forgot my phone so when we got there we weren't able to find them. :( I am sure we'll go back! Mya loved the sea turtle, I held her up to the glass and he kept swimming by. She would point to him and say her signature 'WOW". They had baby sharks, an octopus and baby penguins. It was pretty cool. I think Britt and I were more entertained than the babies but it was well worth the trip. I love being a stay at home Mom so I can do fun stuff like this with Mya! Britt came by to see our new apartment and then we went to Schlotzskys Deli for lunch, one of our families favorite places to eat!

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