Monday, August 13, 2012

1 year pictures, too cute for words!

Here she is with some of her pretties.
I made the backdrops and the giant 1 for these pictures.
She loves balloons!
We were having a hard time getting her to smile so we brought the balloons out to help us. She gets a little shy at these shoots.

She is so pretty and she just keeps getting prettier!
I found a cute girl online in Florida that made this outfit and her flower...they turned out so cute!
Having all this jewelry around her made her so happy! This depicts so much of her personality right now.
There she is saying "WOW!"
There we go again bracelets on the feet! Nick must have taught her that!
This little sad face. We are seeing it more often as she continues to get more aware of things. She pulled something down  and it scared her so we got some tears :(
Cupcakes make everything better!

I think this part of the shoot was her favorite.

Doesn't this picture just make you want to kiss those chubby cheeks! She is such a sweetheart!
There's a smile!

My friend Emily does the best job on her pictures! We had so much fun hanging out with her and I think she got some of the cutest pictures I have ever seen! Still can't believe she is 1. Mya was a good sport as usual! Another great set of pictures they are so much fun and will be great for keeping memories alive!!


  1. Oh my word. Those pictures are amazing! Hands down the cutest pictures EVER!! She is such a doll.
