Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our little weekend adventure

Here is Mya looking beautiful in her stroller getting ready to walk around the opening of the new City Creek Center in SLC. It is right across from the temple and it's amazing!! This was opening weekend....can I say we might have been a little crazy to come because it was busier than I have ever seen anywhere. Nick said it felt like New York shopping after Thanksgiving!
This place was insane!!! I wish you could see how many people were here. We had to wait in a line just to get into the H&M store. It was crazy!!!!! This whole new shopping center is awesome, we can't wait to go back when it's less crowded.
Mya loved the ponds and waterfalls. She likes hanging with my brother Brady too! Brady and his wife Ashley came with us.
Mya was so good and loved watching the thousands of people around us. There was live music and activities going on all around it was really cool.

Mya's new car

This is Nick's scooter not Mya's new car!
Here we are with our new Toyota Rav4 and Nick's new scooter!
Here I am strapping Mya in her backpack...yes she went for a very short 1 mile per hour scooter ride with her dad!
Nick is so proud of his new scooter! I only get to drive it in our parking lot under his supervision because Nick says I'll crash....:( (to be fair he has lived with me for almost 4 years, maybe he's right about this)
Me and Mya love our new little SUV!!!
Since having Mya we have found that it is kind of hard to have a baby with two small cars. We decided it would be nice to have a bigger car that was easier to get Mya in and out of and actually had room for her stroller and stuff like that. We traded our two cars in and got this Rav4 and a scooter! I LOVE it! It feels like a mommy car and it is so easy to get her in and out. No more smacking my head on the ceiling of the car as I pull her out. Or having to move Nick's seat up to try and wedge the car seat out. We are excited about it, my little brother Codie works at a car dealership and helped us to get a great deal. Now Nick can get good parking at school and we don't have to buy a parking pass for the scooter. Plus that things gets 80 miles to the can't beat that gas mileage! The scooter is way fun to drive (even though I don't get to drive it much), Nick is loving it. It will be a bit of a change to go from having two cars to just one but for now we can do it and we feel like it's worth it.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy 8 months old Mya!!!

Seriously she is the prettiest baby I have ever seen!
She is quite popular at church everyone wants to hold her and play with her! She is fine going to anyone and loves to makes new friends!
Here we are after church just hanging out!
Her hair was so cute today it is getting so long and curly. Also yay for the nice warm weather we have been having, she loves being able to go outside!
She likes chewing on fingers even her own!
I love it when she is sweet like this and wants to cuddle!!!
She was so tired and cute she just wanted to lay on my lap!!
This girl LOVES shoes! I hope that never changes :)
Can you even believe this cute little thing is 8 months old!! She is growing so fast and I wish we could just rewind and do it all over again. She is such a wonderful happy baby and we love her more than we can even say! She brings so much happiness to us every single day. She is such a special little girl and we feel so blessed to have her in our lives! She was worth every second of the wait!!!

Here's what I'm doing at 8 months....
 Rolling in every direction
She's trying to pull herself up on furniture
Says mama & dadda
Eats chicken, rice, mac & cheese and every fruit and veggie you can think of
 She gets so excited to see people she loves!
Loves watching Backyardagins & Sesame Street
Loves when we throw her in the air and play rough with her
Loves putting anything she can find in her mouth
Likes petting Louie
Gives kisses...nice slobbery open mouth ones! :)
Working on crawling
Loves being outside when it's warm
Waving "hi" and "bye"
 Talking in her own language...wish we could understand 
Drinks out of a sippee cup on her own
Her bottom two teeth are getting so big we are actually brushing them now
Laughs at almost anything, she loves when we make funny faces at her
Picks up food on her own and puts it in her mouth
Still sleeping through the night and takes 2 good naps everyday
She is still so petite she can wear a lot of her 3-6 month clothes
Loves watching little kids....she will be the best big sister someday!
Loves when we read to her
Sits on her own and can even get herself into a laying position

Thank you for helping to make this last 8 months the greatest!!!

We love you!
Nick, Tiff & Mya

Thursday, March 15, 2012


She loves playing with Nick's hats!

She can eat her toes all by herself now...she thinks she's pretty funny when she does it too!
Mya finally said Dadda!!! Nick was so excited! We have been trying to teach her for over a month and she just was not wanting any part of it! All of a sudden the other day she started saying it and now she mumbles it all the time. We are still not sure if she actually knows what she's saying but we like to think she does. She is so cute!!! Dad is very happy about this new sound she is making. She's a sweetie :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mya's six month pictures!

You can see her two teeth in this one!

This is so her!! She makes this face all the time it's a split between a smile and a cry!

This photo shoot was so much fun! I made the turquoise backdrop for my friend and it looks so cute with Mya in front of it! I am making her a bunch of different ones for her studio and then Mya gets to be the model to try them all out. So fun!! I swear she has to be the easiest person in the world to take pictures of, she always looks so gorgeous. We actually went one day and could not get her to was the weirdest thing ever. She is the happiest most smiley baby except when she is teething which is right now. We went back the next day and we still couldn't get her to smile much my friend must think Nick and I are nuts! We were truly making complete fools of ourselves trying to get her to smile. Especially Nick :) Can't believe she is 7 months old already. Time is flying!! She is such a sweetheart and we love her so much.Can't wait to see whats in store for us in her next 6 months!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wild hair!

This is Mya's first time with pigtails!! So cute!

She likes playing with suckers. We don't take the wrapper off and she thinks they are the greatest even without being able to taste them for real.
This is when when she was trying to eat the sucker stick instead of the actual sucker.
Here is Mya after I tried helping her turn the sucker the right way!
She can be quite the diva!!
Amy, these are some eggs we are sending you for Easter, she is getting them nice and slobbery for you.
Here is a peek at what her hair looks like when the pigtails come out and she has taken a nap
We laughed so hard. She is so stinkin cute!
Wild mama hair!!
Her hair is getting so long, she is such a cutie! This is Nick's favorite hair style for her. I did it at his request and we just love it, so get prepared to see lots more pigtails.
Here she is playing in her playpen. I can't leave her on the floor anymore she rolls all over and we don't want her to get hurt.
Playing with Daddy!