Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our little weekend adventure

Here is Mya looking beautiful in her stroller getting ready to walk around the opening of the new City Creek Center in SLC. It is right across from the temple and it's amazing!! This was opening weekend....can I say we might have been a little crazy to come because it was busier than I have ever seen anywhere. Nick said it felt like New York shopping after Thanksgiving!
This place was insane!!! I wish you could see how many people were here. We had to wait in a line just to get into the H&M store. It was crazy!!!!! This whole new shopping center is awesome, we can't wait to go back when it's less crowded.
Mya loved the ponds and waterfalls. She likes hanging with my brother Brady too! Brady and his wife Ashley came with us.
Mya was so good and loved watching the thousands of people around us. There was live music and activities going on all around it was really cool.

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