Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mya's six month pictures!

You can see her two teeth in this one!

This is so her!! She makes this face all the time it's a split between a smile and a cry!

This photo shoot was so much fun! I made the turquoise backdrop for my friend and it looks so cute with Mya in front of it! I am making her a bunch of different ones for her studio and then Mya gets to be the model to try them all out. So fun!! I swear she has to be the easiest person in the world to take pictures of, she always looks so gorgeous. We actually went one day and could not get her to was the weirdest thing ever. She is the happiest most smiley baby except when she is teething which is right now. We went back the next day and we still couldn't get her to smile much my friend must think Nick and I are nuts! We were truly making complete fools of ourselves trying to get her to smile. Especially Nick :) Can't believe she is 7 months old already. Time is flying!! She is such a sweetheart and we love her so much.Can't wait to see whats in store for us in her next 6 months!

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