Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy 8 months old Mya!!!

Seriously she is the prettiest baby I have ever seen!
She is quite popular at church everyone wants to hold her and play with her! She is fine going to anyone and loves to makes new friends!
Here we are after church just hanging out!
Her hair was so cute today it is getting so long and curly. Also yay for the nice warm weather we have been having, she loves being able to go outside!
She likes chewing on fingers even her own!
I love it when she is sweet like this and wants to cuddle!!!
She was so tired and cute she just wanted to lay on my lap!!
This girl LOVES shoes! I hope that never changes :)
Can you even believe this cute little thing is 8 months old!! She is growing so fast and I wish we could just rewind and do it all over again. She is such a wonderful happy baby and we love her more than we can even say! She brings so much happiness to us every single day. She is such a special little girl and we feel so blessed to have her in our lives! She was worth every second of the wait!!!

Here's what I'm doing at 8 months....
 Rolling in every direction
She's trying to pull herself up on furniture
Says mama & dadda
Eats chicken, rice, mac & cheese and every fruit and veggie you can think of
 She gets so excited to see people she loves!
Loves watching Backyardagins & Sesame Street
Loves when we throw her in the air and play rough with her
Loves putting anything she can find in her mouth
Likes petting Louie
Gives kisses...nice slobbery open mouth ones! :)
Working on crawling
Loves being outside when it's warm
Waving "hi" and "bye"
 Talking in her own language...wish we could understand 
Drinks out of a sippee cup on her own
Her bottom two teeth are getting so big we are actually brushing them now
Laughs at almost anything, she loves when we make funny faces at her
Picks up food on her own and puts it in her mouth
Still sleeping through the night and takes 2 good naps everyday
She is still so petite she can wear a lot of her 3-6 month clothes
Loves watching little kids....she will be the best big sister someday!
Loves when we read to her
Sits on her own and can even get herself into a laying position

Thank you for helping to make this last 8 months the greatest!!!

We love you!
Nick, Tiff & Mya

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