Friday, March 2, 2012

Wild hair!

This is Mya's first time with pigtails!! So cute!

She likes playing with suckers. We don't take the wrapper off and she thinks they are the greatest even without being able to taste them for real.
This is when when she was trying to eat the sucker stick instead of the actual sucker.
Here is Mya after I tried helping her turn the sucker the right way!
She can be quite the diva!!
Amy, these are some eggs we are sending you for Easter, she is getting them nice and slobbery for you.
Here is a peek at what her hair looks like when the pigtails come out and she has taken a nap
We laughed so hard. She is so stinkin cute!
Wild mama hair!!
Her hair is getting so long, she is such a cutie! This is Nick's favorite hair style for her. I did it at his request and we just love it, so get prepared to see lots more pigtails.
Here she is playing in her playpen. I can't leave her on the floor anymore she rolls all over and we don't want her to get hurt.
Playing with Daddy!

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