Saturday, July 28, 2012

12 Month Update...

Look how much I've grown!

Age: 12 months 
Date: 7/27/2012
Weight: 19 lbs. 13 oz. (28%) 
Length: 29" (46%)
Head Circ: 47.5 cm. (96%)

The Dr visit went great, he said she looks awesome! She is still so small, you can see she is only in the 28th percentile for her weight. Mya is being pretty stubborn about walking. She knows how to do it and she'll do it if she wants to but not very often! I guess we just have to keep practicing with her until she feels comfortable on her own. Right now she is getting one of her canine teeth and that has been pretty miserable for her this last little while. She is still talking up a storm and learning new things every single day. She loves reading stories with us as long as we let her turn the pages. Her favorite books at the moment are Go Dog Go, Pajama Time, My Oh My Oh Dinosaur, Baby Bible, Swish Swish Hawaiian Fish. She pretty much just loves food of any kind, I think she is happy to be off of baby food. We have her on whole milk and she hasn't had any bad reactions so yay! Her funniest thing right now is in the morning Nick will ask her for kisses before he leaves for work and she shakes her head and says "no, no, no!" Lol it is pretty darn funny! Most of the time she is more than willing to give kisses, but not in the morning. She is starting to be so independent and wants to do lots of things on her own, she reminds me all the time by pushing my hands away or telling me no no no! It's sad she is growing up so fast. We are finally settled in our new place, it has turned out pretty cute! We are so thankful to Nick's parents for letting is stay in their home so we can save some money for a house. Mya loves having one Grandma right upstairs. Time is going by too fast. We are trying to enjoy every single second we have with her as a baby!

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