Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mya, Mya, Mya

I have lots of mini finger nail polishes and she loves playing with them. This is how she carries things when she the mouth!

My mom bought Mya her first baby doll! It is a cabbage patch with a frow of curly blonde hair just like Mya's! Her name says it is Sheryl Pearl and she's from Georgia, it came with an adoption certificate and so cute!
This is Mya showing me where her eye is because I asked her. So smart, Amy she definately got the big brain from you! It's good cause it matches Nick's! I feel a little lacking in that area :)
She loves hugging and kissing her baby! She is so nice, I love it!
This is Mya at a model home we were looking at. It is the house we are looking to exciting!
She had so much fun crawling all over the place and walking from furniture piece to furniture piece.
When I stop to get a drink at McDonalds I always have to get her a water in the same kind of cup as me so she thinks she's getting what I have!
Here she is playing with her toys, she knows how to put all those bright colored shapes in that lid exactly where they go! She is such a smarty pants!
If you push her pony's ear he talks and sings, she knows how to make him do that now. She likes it when he sings and she pushes his ears over and over. :)
This is her favorite car. She plays with it everyday. She walks all over the house with this thing.
Her favorite thing  to do right now is chase Louie with the car, he runs and barks and she screams and laughs!
Lol look that this funny face I caught!
If you will notice all the necklaces that she has around her neck, she is the one that puts them on. It's so funny she loves having like 10 on at the same time! She is such a girl!
She has also learned how to get on and off her car, it's pretty funny to watch.
Her seat also opens up and she loves storing anything she finds in there. If anything is ever missing we go straight for the seat in her car and it's usually there! Never a dull moment we sure LOVE her!

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