Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Peace & Love always

For some odd reason she really likes Nick's toes....he wanted me to point out that this was taken right after he took a shower, so he had nice clean toes!! :)
Mya loves Louie!!!

This is her leaning in trying to kiss Louie!
She's also fascinated with tongues, it's pretty funny!
When we were at church with her the other day three little boys gathered around her while she was sitting on the floor in sacrament from ages 11 months to 4 years old. One of the little boys (2 years old) kept saying to her "oh you are so pretty, I like your headband" It was one of the cutest things ever!! She is only 9 months old and boys are already hitting on her :)

These are the little pair of Toms shoes Nick's mom and dad got her for Easter! They are so cute and tiny, we love them!

Now that she is rolling all over she is wanting to get into everything, especially drawers with knobs on them.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Remember this......

I got looking at pics today and just had to post some old ones! She is so tiny!!! Oh man what an amazing journey this has been. I will never forget any of it! I still remember like it was yesterday the first time we heard about you...how nervous yet excited we were to meet you! Meeting you and falling right in love! Then the drive home from meeting you and the stop offs we made to tell family members the incredible news!!!!! Walking into the hospital and seeing her for the first time. I will never forget the comforting look of peace you had on your face, you are one of the most amazing girls I have ever met and I love you so much! The drive home was incredible I sat in the back seat next to Mya and just watched her sleep. I kept thinking holy cow is this real, this is so awesome! Then I also thought please don't wake up cause I have no idea what to do with you! :) When we stopped at Nick's parents house to let them have a look at her. I didn't even get out of the car I made everyone go around to the other side of the car and get in one at a time! Nick tried to make me and then his dad told him not to mess with mama bear (me)  right now! lol! I did not want to leave her side for anything! I think about how much I loved her then and didn't think I could possibly love her more....but I do! She is the best most amazing thing (other than Nick) that has come into my life! You and Mya will forever be a reason for my increase in faith. Miracles do exist, prayers are answered, dreams very much do come true! We'll never be able to say thank you enough. We love you and miss you!

Always having fun!

What would we do without her.......
I love her little smirks! I think we caught her mid sentence in this one!
She loves playing with pictures of us, she likes this one of her I think mostly because it is covered in purple bling!
Mya still loves her jumperoo. She has been jumping so crazy in it she snapped one of the metal springs....so sad!
First time on a slide!
Mya loves swinging at Grandma Jarrett's. She was a little scared at first but once she got going we saw lots of smiles!
She loves this Elmo book, it's nice and soft and easy for her to pick up.
Here is Mya and Nick.....she is playing with a car emergency flare. Nick is pretending it's a light sabor. (Here is the nerd part of Nick I talked about in the adoption letter!)
This may be one of my favorite pics ever...she seriously loved the sink! Look at all those rolls!:)
She wanted to drink the water.....she loves water. She doesn't love fruit juices but man she will suck down water like crazy!
She's such a cutie!
Such a big girl! I love her in this red dress!
Here she is hanging outside at my mom's house while I was painting! It felt so nice out.....it almost felt hot! Yay summer is on it's way!
Cooper came out for a bit while we were there! They love each other. Except Cooper gets mad when Mya kisses him, which she loves to do!
Me and Mya being silly for the camera!
She thought these bunny ears were so funny when we put them on her!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Mya's first Easter!

Look at this cute little bunny!! She was happy as usual when we woke her up Easter morning.
Mya was excited when she saw her Easter basket! So many fun things to play with.
Grandma and Grandpa Jarrett gave Mya this cute puzzle which she loves and a pair of Toms shoes....SO CUTE!
One of her favorite things in the basket were the empty plastic Easter eggs!
Her other favorite thing...the grass. Out of all the fun things that were in the basket she picks the two weirdest things! Kids are so great! Now I know what to get her next year, it will save us lots of money! ;)
The Easter bunny remembered Nick and I too...so fun!
Here is Mya in her new Easter dress. As always she looks beautiful!!
Gotta love those big blue eyes, I know we sure do!
She is getting another tooth on the top and so the last few nights have been really rough for her, she hasn't got much sleep :( She was exhausted after church....didn't even stay awake for the 30 second drive we had to get home.
Still so tired she fell asleep while Nick was feeding her. We wish that darn tooth would hurry and pop through we feel so bad for her.
Grandma and Grandpa Young gave her a darling Easter basket with all kinds of fun things...she loved taking everything out and trying to eat the chocolate that was meant for me and Nick!.
Her favorite was the cup with a straw...my mom knows her so well! Spoiled little bum, we have the BEST families in the world they are so good to us!
She loves playing with her Grandma's. My mom's face lights up every time she sees Mya. She is truly a miracle to our family!
Here's Mya laying on Nick's shoulder getting tired again!
We had such a fun day for Easter with that and her tooth pain she was completely worn out and once again didn't make it home before falling asleep!

Best Easter ever! Having Mya in our home brought a fun wonderful spirit that we have not felt before. We love her more than anything!!