Monday, April 9, 2012

Mya's first Easter!

Look at this cute little bunny!! She was happy as usual when we woke her up Easter morning.
Mya was excited when she saw her Easter basket! So many fun things to play with.
Grandma and Grandpa Jarrett gave Mya this cute puzzle which she loves and a pair of Toms shoes....SO CUTE!
One of her favorite things in the basket were the empty plastic Easter eggs!
Her other favorite thing...the grass. Out of all the fun things that were in the basket she picks the two weirdest things! Kids are so great! Now I know what to get her next year, it will save us lots of money! ;)
The Easter bunny remembered Nick and I fun!
Here is Mya in her new Easter dress. As always she looks beautiful!!
Gotta love those big blue eyes, I know we sure do!
She is getting another tooth on the top and so the last few nights have been really rough for her, she hasn't got much sleep :( She was exhausted after church....didn't even stay awake for the 30 second drive we had to get home.
Still so tired she fell asleep while Nick was feeding her. We wish that darn tooth would hurry and pop through we feel so bad for her.
Grandma and Grandpa Young gave her a darling Easter basket with all kinds of fun things...she loved taking everything out and trying to eat the chocolate that was meant for me and Nick!.
Her favorite was the cup with a mom knows her so well! Spoiled little bum, we have the BEST families in the world they are so good to us!
She loves playing with her Grandma's. My mom's face lights up every time she sees Mya. She is truly a miracle to our family!
Here's Mya laying on Nick's shoulder getting tired again!
We had such a fun day for Easter with that and her tooth pain she was completely worn out and once again didn't make it home before falling asleep!

Best Easter ever! Having Mya in our home brought a fun wonderful spirit that we have not felt before. We love her more than anything!!

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