Friday, April 13, 2012

Remember this......

I got looking at pics today and just had to post some old ones! She is so tiny!!! Oh man what an amazing journey this has been. I will never forget any of it! I still remember like it was yesterday the first time we heard about nervous yet excited we were to meet you! Meeting you and falling right in love! Then the drive home from meeting you and the stop offs we made to tell family members the incredible news!!!!! Walking into the hospital and seeing her for the first time. I will never forget the comforting look of peace you had on your face, you are one of the most amazing girls I have ever met and I love you so much! The drive home was incredible I sat in the back seat next to Mya and just watched her sleep. I kept thinking holy cow is this real, this is so awesome! Then I also thought please don't wake up cause I have no idea what to do with you! :) When we stopped at Nick's parents house to let them have a look at her. I didn't even get out of the car I made everyone go around to the other side of the car and get in one at a time! Nick tried to make me and then his dad told him not to mess with mama bear (me)  right now! lol! I did not want to leave her side for anything! I think about how much I loved her then and didn't think I could possibly love her more....but I do! She is the best most amazing thing (other than Nick) that has come into my life! You and Mya will forever be a reason for my increase in faith. Miracles do exist, prayers are answered, dreams very much do come true! We'll never be able to say thank you enough. We love you and miss you!

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