Friday, April 13, 2012

Always having fun!

What would we do without her.......
I love her little smirks! I think we caught her mid sentence in this one!
She loves playing with pictures of us, she likes this one of her I think mostly because it is covered in purple bling!
Mya still loves her jumperoo. She has been jumping so crazy in it she snapped one of the metal sad!
First time on a slide!
Mya loves swinging at Grandma Jarrett's. She was a little scared at first but once she got going we saw lots of smiles!
She loves this Elmo book, it's nice and soft and easy for her to pick up.
Here is Mya and Nick.....she is playing with a car emergency flare. Nick is pretending it's a light sabor. (Here is the nerd part of Nick I talked about in the adoption letter!)
This may be one of my favorite pics ever...she seriously loved the sink! Look at all those rolls!:)
She wanted to drink the water.....she loves water. She doesn't love fruit juices but man she will suck down water like crazy!
She's such a cutie!
Such a big girl! I love her in this red dress!
Here she is hanging outside at my mom's house while I was painting! It felt so nice almost felt hot! Yay summer is on it's way!
Cooper came out for a bit while we were there! They love each other. Except Cooper gets mad when Mya kisses him, which she loves to do!
Me and Mya being silly for the camera!
She thought these bunny ears were so funny when we put them on her!

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