Thursday, April 5, 2012

We love taking pictures!

Here's Mya in her new highchair drinking from her sippey cup like a big girl! Notice the Jazz game in the background, she loves watching sports with Nick! It's cute!
She loves these fruit and veggie bags. She'll gobble one up in no time at all!
This is Mya rocking the side ponytail for church....oh so cute!

That brown thing coming out of her mouth is a piece of beef jerky.
She loves jerky and these small round ones are just her size!

Here she is taunting Louie with her jerky, he loves to eat that as much as she does. Sometimes he will steal her treats and she doesn't even care.
She is hilarious!!!!
This is how I found her the other morning when I went in to wake her up.
Wild morning hair!
She has such a sweet smile!

Look at these big beautiful blue eyes! I never thought I would have a child with blue is so fun!
This is her silly smile!
Always happy!
This is her basket of toys.....she is such a big girl just hanging out playing with stuff!
This is her favorite caterpillar comb.
Playing on the floor again with her toys! We can't wait for spring so we can hang outside and go for walks.

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