Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Peace & Love always

For some odd reason she really likes Nick's toes....he wanted me to point out that this was taken right after he took a shower, so he had nice clean toes!! :)
Mya loves Louie!!!

This is her leaning in trying to kiss Louie!
She's also fascinated with tongues, it's pretty funny!
When we were at church with her the other day three little boys gathered around her while she was sitting on the floor in sacrament from ages 11 months to 4 years old. One of the little boys (2 years old) kept saying to her "oh you are so pretty, I like your headband" It was one of the cutest things ever!! She is only 9 months old and boys are already hitting on her :)

These are the little pair of Toms shoes Nick's mom and dad got her for Easter! They are so cute and tiny, we love them!

Now that she is rolling all over she is wanting to get into everything, especially drawers with knobs on them.

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