Friday, October 21, 2011

Fun stuff!

Nick caught this sweet smile the first night we made her laugh!
Glad you liked your Halloween pkg! I thought I would put this on here so we can show her someday. She comes with me to mail it so really it's like she is helping! :)
Here's her Halloween pj's! They have ghosts on the feet and they say "my first Halloween" So cute!
Here's me trying to get her to laugh again! I love that she thinks I'm funny!
If I could only eat one thing ever it would be beef jerky,I could live on it. Here I am letting Mya try some jerky and I've never been so proud......she LOVED it!
Mmmmmmm beef jerky! My mom used to feed me jerky when I was teething, I guess the salt did something to make my sore mouth feel better. I have honestly loved jerky since I was about her age!
Mya's new toy. Grandma has one of these and she loves it so we bought one too.
She can already grab the bird and make it sing! She's too smart! It plays sort of an island type music and she likes it!
P.S. - I got her to laugh again tonight! It is honestly the cutest thing ever! She does it at the most random times when we're not even being our funniest! :) She's so cute!

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