Sunday, October 30, 2011

13 weeks old, time flys!

She looks like such a big girl! She always crosses her legs like this when she sits, so funny!
I thought I would post a little update. Things have been going pretty well since I went back to work I can't believe it's almost been 2 weeks. The first week was hard I think she was a little thrown to all of a sudden have me gone almost the whole day. By the time I got home at 5:00 she would just fuss the rest of the night....I felt SO bad and guilty. This last week she has been great! Everyone that watches her comments on how great she is and how good she is at sticking to her schedule! It actually makes it so much less stressful to leave her and know that she is such s good baby for whoever watches her. Our families are loving the chance they are getting to spend time with her. I even think it will make her a better baby, she doesn't always have to be with Mom and Dad to be happy which I think is good for her. Plus she is getting a good idea just how much her entire family loves her. I have settled down a lot about being away from her....I am more of a baby than she is! I still can't wait for the day when I get to stay home again, it really was the best 12 weeks ever. I miss our walks and being able to talk to her all day. She is starting to really giggle a lot, we love it. Usually in the early afternoons and late nights she gets a burst of funny energy and just laughs at everything, it is honeslty the cutest thing ever. She is really doing good at focusing on things and grabbing them. She can hold her rattle and put it in her mouth all by herself. She can also take her binky in and out of her mouth. She is really strong and is able to bear a lot of weight on her legs. Eyes are still bluer than blue and her hair is still blonde as ever. Her ear piercings are doing good, she doesn't bug them at all and they don't seem to hurt or bother her either. She does hate it when I have to clean them but it's cause the colution is really cold. She is getting pretty chunky and eating a ton, Nick drove out to Magna today to pick up some more breast milk for her.....she goes through that stuff so fast. We just had a baby shower for Britt yesterday and it was so fun to see all the little boy baby stuff since our world is so pink! I can't wait for Mya to have her little buddy Cooper down here to play with, I think they will stir up plenty of trouble in the coming years! :) Britt's belly is so cute, kind of makes me sad I might never have one of those. You two look so cute with your prego bumps, they look like fun! One of my best friends is getting their 2nd baby through LDS Family Services, they just went to Idaho this week to pick her up. Looking at their pictures brought me back to our experience and made me once again so thankful for you. We could not have asked for a more amazing and darling mama! You really are the best and you definately made the cutest baby around! We are way excited to put her in her Halloween costume tomorrow and Nick gets to bring her trick or treating at my office, we can't wait to show her off!! Nick is being a nerd (totally fitting), I ended up getting a Wenda Waldo costume (the girl from the Where's Waldo books, then little Mya will be the cupcake and Louie will be a bumble bee. We are taking Mya up to Nick's sister's house to trick or treat for a bit with the nieces and nephews. It should be fun! We will take lots of pictures and post them for ya. Can you believe tomorrow is the last day in October! Only like 3 more weeks until we get to see you. We cannot wait for you to see Mya! Here's some of the latest pics we've taken. Enjoy, Love from all of us!
She looked so cute in this I had to take a picture when I came home for lunch!
Our whole freezer is full of breast kinda funny!
P.S. So funny she is out on the couch with Nick right now and I can hear her giggling up a storm.

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