Monday, October 17, 2011

Lots of laughter!!!!

Random picture....we don't have one of her laughing yet!
Okay sorry this post doesn't come with many pics but we had to tell you about this!!! Mya officially laughed for the first time today! I got her to laugh this morning and I called Nick (in tears...I'm serious) it was so dang cute! Then out of nowhere tonight we were talking to her and she started to laugh. It was soooooooooooo cute! I am headed back to work tomorrow for the first time in 12 weeks and I am so sad......I don't ever want to miss any of her firsts! I'll be fine but of course she just had to add one more adorable thing to my list of reasons I NEVER want to leave her! We really need to get a video camera so we can send some videos. :) BTW- thanks for the email and the pictures, you look darling even with those not so cute uniforms. I see so much of Mya in you, it's fun!  We sure love you and can't wait until you get to hear this little girls laugh :)

BTW- My friend made her that little bracelet she is wearing. It has 2 hearts on it and she told me that it has 2 hearts for 2 moms! I thought that was a cute idea :) 

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