Friday, October 21, 2011

Tiff's first day back to work

Nick did a great job getting her dressed for the day!
She just gets cuter everyday!
Flowers that Nick & Mya sent me for my first day back at work! They are so pretty!!
Right before I said goodbye! :(
October 18 was my first day back at work. Man it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I missed her a lot and I kept looking at the clock thinking oh it's Mya's feeding time or oh I hope she's taking her nap right now. I wasted a lot of time looking at my pictures of her and wishing I was at home. Right before lunch time I got called to the lobby, and there waiting for me was this darling vase of flowers. The card said it was from Nick and Mya and that they missed me. I won't lie it brought tears! I love both of them so much. It was fun to go home for lunch feed her and hold her. She smiled lots which always makes me feel good! When I got home I realized that Mya had been just fine without me. She is such a good baby. I am glad that I really like my job or honestly I could not do this. I can't wait to be able to be home with her all the time. I even missed changing her diapers.....that's something I never thought I'd say! The next day she got to go spend part of the day with Nick's mom. Nick's mom is so cute, Mya was spoiled rotten all day!!! My little sister Britt had her for a couple hours today and did an amazing job. We are so lucky to have so many great family members that love us and Mya so much. Everyone is taking such good care of her it makes me being gone a little easier. Thanks for your text message too, it made me smile!

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