Friday, October 7, 2011

A little update!

I got her all dressed up to go to dinner! We went with my mom and my sister while the boys were at Priesthood! The waiter was in love with Mya, it was funny!
Mya, Dad and Louie watching conference! 
We had a really great conference weekend. Nice and relaxing!! It was crazy for us to be watching with Mya....she is usually what we were praying for while watching. To have her there and know that our prayers had been answered was just an amazing experience. It was fun to take Mya to Sundance and it was really nice to have an extra girl for girls night! No matter where we take her people are always stopping us saying how beautiful she is and how much they love her hair!! She has more hair than some 1 year old babies. It just keeps getting longer. It is also sort of getting a mind of it's own.....hopefully that means it will get curly!! She is starting to talk really loud. She smiles at everything. We are trying really hard to get a laugh out of her, but it hasn't quite happened yet. She is still sleeping 8 hours through the night. We got her a humidifier that we leave on in her room always and it is helping her skin a lot. It even projects stars on the ceiling when she sleeps. She is fitting in some of her 3 month clothing crazy! It is still a bit big but it's fitting a lot better than her newborn stuff. Last Sunday when Mya was 10 weeks old my little sister had 10 weeks to go before her baby gets here. Mya is about to have a new little buddy! We cannot wait!!!! We can't wait for you to meet our families, they are so awesome. They ask about you all the time. :) Nick just finished with midterms yay!!! I go back to work in a little over a week.....I am NOT looking forward to it. Nick is really excited to be able to take care of Mya during the day when she is the happiest. She has decided she likes to be fussy from about 6:00 until she goes to bed. I hope that is a good update, things have been busy this week so sorry my posting was slacking! Can you believe it we get to see you next month!!!!!! We are really looking forward to it. We love ya!

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