Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The joys of teething!

Mya's favorite thing about teething, she gets to eat popsicles with me! She LOVES it!
Anything cold in her mouth she really loves right now. She is getting very good at drinking from her sippy cup, we have been giving her cold water which I think helps her mouth pain. She seems to enjoy it especially if she gets fussy! One of her favorite things is to chew on a cold wash cloth.
Yum cold apple sauce. She always makes this face when she is trying hard to do something....oh so cute! Look at that serious concentration!
Such a cute picture, see the Baby Oragel off to the left...these were taken right after we rubbed that all over her gums. It makes her so happy other then she does not dig the taste.
Here she is with her caterpillar comb that she loves to hold and chew on while I change her diaper or do her hair! I have noticed that right now she loves chewing on anything. Poor girl getting teeth would not be fun!
Man her teeth are sharp she bit my finger today and I had little teeth marks on it. They are really popping up fast I am hoping to get some pics of them soon.
 She loves eating these apples in a bag. They are cold when I give it to her and I think it feels good on her teeth. She has learned to suck from the straw opening at the top, it reminds me of a juice box. She'll eat the whole thing!! She is such a smartypants!

Mya's room!!

This is the shelf my Mom made for her room....6 months later and it is finally hanging on her wall! We love it, it's so cute!
I know you have seen her room but I thought your parents might enjoy seeing pics too since they haven't. :)
This rocking chair is the bomb! It is so comfortable! We spend lots of time snuggling her and rocking her to sleep in this chair.
She loves it when we read to her. As you can see she has lots of fun books!
She loves spending time in her room. I wanted to take lots of pics so we remember what it looks like! We had so much fun picking stuff out, it's bright, cheery and fits her personality perfectly!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Mya and Nick, so sweet! She loves her daddy :) She constantly makes us laugh and smile!
Here we are at her cousin Carter's baptism. Look how funny her hair was....sometimes it just can't be tamed no matter what I do.
Mya loves her cousins. Sami and Bailee sang a song. She sat on grandpa's lap smiling  and screaming while they were singing, she was so excited to watch them. It was really cute!
Here's Mya with grandpa Jarrett, Sami & Carter!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sleepy baby!

The other day I ran to get Nick and I something to eat, she was bouncing away in her jumperoo and Nick was in his office right around the corner working. I was only gone for about 15 minutes and when I walked back in this is what I found! How cute is she! She just jumped herself right to sleep. Nick was able to take pics, pick her up and move her to her crib all without disturbing her sleep. She is such a sweetheart and boy does she love her sleep!

6 Month Dr. Visit

Here's Mya at the Dr. for her 6 month visit! She takes up a lot more of that table than she used to! We have the same nurse every time we go and she is so nice. Mya just smiles at her and the Dr, they both love her!
She loved lounging in her diaper!
16.9 lbs!!!! She must be eating her veggies!
Always such a good girl! Both the Dr and the nurse commented on her teeny tiny feet. I swear they haven't grown at all.since she was born! They are so tiny and cute!

6 Month Stats: 1/20/2012 
Length:  25 3/4 Inches (53%) 
Weight: 16.9 lbs. (64%)
Head Circ: 45.0 (97%)

Her visit went good. He said she looks very healthy and all of her developmental patterns are completely normal and right on schedule! She had to get more shots which is never fun, I think she handles it better than me! She also has 2 little teeth popping through her gums on the bottom. So wow the teething nightmare that babies are supposed to go through.....has not been so bad with miss Mya! Poor thing I'm sure it doesn't feel good but she has still been such a good happy baby, so looks like she's a tough one like you. Isn't that so cool I can't believe she has teeth! She has one other one that is about to pop through on the top too. He did mention one not so fun thing. If you notice she has a bump on her forehead that goes from her nose right up the middle. We have never thought anything of it and just figured she would grow out of it. Her Dr today said that he would like her to see a neurosurgeon and have it checked out. Since she is 6 months old and it is still there he wants to make sure there are no problems. He said that is right where the skull fuses together, most of time babies just grow out of it. Anyway I have to wait until Monday to make an appointment but we will be taking her to Primary Children's soon to have them take a look. Please send prayers her way. We are hoping this is something that will not be a big deal. I know Heavenly Father answers prayers and I figure the more the better! I will let you know how things go once we get it all checked out.

Pictures, PICTURES, and more Pictures!

She is growing up so fast! I try to take a lot of pictures so we don't miss anything. She is such a fun loving little girl. Always happy and smiling or laughing, except when her food doesn't come quick enough then she lets us have it! We are teaching her sign language right now...or trying anyway. We have her say please every time before she gets her bottle and thank you when she gets it. I don't think it has stuck yet but we're hoping with consistency over time she'll learn.:)  She is starting to say mama a lot I have no idea if she actually knows what she's saying but it's pretty cute! Lately she has been making noises like baba. Nick is working to try and teacher her dada :) We'll see, we are excited to see which word comes out first! I still think I win with the Mama ;) We have her 6 month Dr. visit today can you even believe it. Tonight she gets to go to her cousin Carter's baptism, so fun! Mya and I are just having a chill morning, she is jumping like crazy in her jumperoo. She keeps looking at me to make sure I'm so funny! I'm glad you liked your birthday post...Mya was so funny when I put that hat on her she just looked at me like oh great what are you doing to me now. The pictures were so cute and she loved playing with the balloons again.  I will post an update of her Dr. visit later on. 

We love you and you are always in our prayers!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Mya's blessing dress!
My mom bought her dress for is so perfect! We love Grandma!
Here are her adorable purple shoes to go with her dress for the blessing. I ordered 3-6 month size and they are giant. She has the smallest feet ever. Looks like we will be returning them for the newborn size!
These little white shoes are the ones that she will wear to the temple.
When we went to the store to find her a dress and the girl that was working there was really young and looked a lot like you. She was so cute! We got talking to her and she found out Mya is adopted, she was so sweet and excited then told us that she is adopted too. She just kept saying she has a lot of love for was really funny! She showed us pics of her little girl and we laughed because her little girl Sophie is super unexpectedly white too! Anyway we had a lot of fun talking to her and all the people there thought Mya was beautiful. We ended up finding the perfect dress. It was almost like looking for a wedding dress I just knew as soon as I saw this one that is was THE one! Lol I know I am a huge nerd. I can't wait to see her in it. White makes her blue eyes stand out so much she is just going to look so dang cute. All I can say is what a dream come true this all is. I have her dress hanging in her room and every time I look at it I am completely humbled and grateful for the blessings we have, especially Mya :)

Happy Birthday Amy!!!!

We had some party supplies left over from my b-day! She is such a good sport to let me take all these pictures of her!

We love you and hope that you have the BEST day ever!

Nick, Tiffany & Mya

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Birthday fun!

Here's me and Mya on my 31st birthday....the cake says 27 cause that's how old I decided to be this year. 31 sounded way too old! Lucky for me everyone plays along.
Here we are at Brick Oven Pizza with my family. I always choose to come here for my birthday!
Mya loved my balloons.
She started pinching the balloons really hard so I had to take them away before one popped on her. I used to work at a party store and I got welts from stupid balloons popping on me.
Here she is at Brick Oven drinking some water from a big cup!
These balloons would entertain her forever!
My little brother brought these to me at work.....nice right!
It was a fun day! Nick and Mya got me a facial at my favorite spa, it was so nice! Having Mya this year for my Birthday made it a little easier not to feel so old. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Carrots, green beans and crackers....

Mmmmmm carrots!
We seriously make the biggest mess! Her face looks just like this when she eats her green beans only her face is all green instead of orange!
Look at this girl chow down on crackers!
Lol when she's done there are crackers everywhere! It's pretty funny.

She got really mad at me today when I was doing her hair. But we survived and it ended up looking super cute!

She looked so cute doing this today I snapped a bunch of pictures. She loves food!
On top of eating more solids she is drinking from a sippy cup too. She loves water, especially after she eats crackers. She is getting so big and doing new things every day. I have a funny video to post of her using her jumperoo! She can jump in that thing like it's no ones business! It makes me laugh so hard....just watch! Sorry about my lack of videoing skills and my annoying voice.