Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas in paradise....Maui!

Nick made me a build a bear while we were dating and this is the outfit the bear was wearing. I noticed it as we were leaving for the airport and stuck it in my fit her perfectly and she looked so cute at our Luau.
Look at that curly hair! The humidity made her hair go so wild I could barely tame it!
Nick's cute sister Carly made stockings for all of us, they were so fun! This is Mya Christmas morning all ready for church.
This was our Christmas tree....they were out of real ones at the store! This was was even missing a few parts like the oh well it was fun!
Our favorite beach right outside the house called "Baby Beach"
Mya's first time in the ocean.She wasn't too sure at first but ended up loving it!
Nick's mom got her this hat and it was perfect since she is not a fan of sun in her eyes!

This is her right after playing at the beach....having fun gets tiring!
This is us at our favorite restaurant Ruth's Chris. The steak and lobster were so yummy!
I couldn't get over how cute she looked in these glasses and she didn't even mind wearing them!
Eating at the beach. We took her around with us everywhere and she was so good.
She was not sure how to deal with it being so hot, I am glad we had some summer clothes that fit her well!
She LOVES hanging upside down for some reason, she would do it all day of we let her.

This is where we went on a hike,it was beautiful! While we were there a Japanese couple was amazed with Mya and came up to us and took her picture. Pretty funny!
We walked to our favorite breakfast place with Mya...the whole walk is on the beach it's beautiful!
Mya got tired I guess of being carried so she went to sleep on the way back from breakfast!
Here is Nick and his dad burying me in the sand, they did so good I couldn't move and Nick had to dig me out!
This was how we would roll to the beach, Mya was a trooper everywhere we went. It took us forever to get settled in and pick everything up to leave but hey at least we were prepared!
So cute!
Here we are at the Maui Aquarium looking at baby sea turtles, Mya got to touch them. We actually saw a big turtle while we were snorkeling he was like 5 feet long. It was awesome!!
She loved playing with the soft sand.
Butt crack alert! She sports this a lot in her swimming suits.
I love her big belly!
The water was not all that warm and she still loved being in it, we had so much fun!
Our little Hawaiian princess.
We got her this Hawaiian fish book while we were there and she loves it, it's soft and squishy. Right now she just likes to eat it. Her cousin Sami read it to her everyday!!
She was a pretty big hit in Hawaii, everywhere we went people were stopping us to see her. She is one beautiful babe!

She is getting so big!

I love this one...she did not want to take pictures.
She did a lot of lounging and relaxing at the beach house.
Such a pretty smile!
This picture was taken at a restaurant on a famous golf course. While we were eating we saw some whales! This place had one of the prettiest views I have ever seen!
It didn't feel like Christmas in such a tropical place. It would always surprise me to see Christmas stuff and then I would remember oh yeah it's Christmas! Weird but so fun!
Baby Beach was awesome it is only knee deep and it stays that shallow about a football fields length out and it is crystal clear. There were also big patches of coral with fish, it was so cool! Good beach for kids. Can't wait to go back!
She likes splashing and jumping in the water!

Smiling with dad, she is such a happy little girl!
Nick was pretending to throw her in the ocean.....ha ha funny!  She was actually giggling her head off!
We had to give her a bath in the sink every time we came home from the beach, she loved it!
Look how good her cheeks look, her eczema was gone within a day of us getting there. Maybe we'll just have to move there!
This was taken at one of our favorite spots on the beach I wish you could see more scenery it was seriously amazing!

We went on a drive and found this beach, it was my favorite! This picture doesn't even do it justice!
Grover traveled to Hawaii with us and went almost everywhere we did! Mya loves him.

Hula baby!

Look at that aLmost six pack she's got going on! :)

Here she is sleeping in the stroller on our walk the first morning we were there.
She was so cute with all her cousins. They can make her laugh so hard. She really enjoyed spending so much time with them!
We had our own luau the first night we were there and all the girls did the hula and the boys did the hakka dance! Nick's parents cooked us the BEST dinner. We all had a blast!
Here's the boys doing the Hakka at our Luau!
Just sitting in a sled right off the weird! I still can't get used to a tropical Christmas.
She loves riding in this backpack!
Look at Nick's wicked mo hawk!
This is the walk out to the beach from our house. So cool!!!
Here is where we snorkeled and saw the big turtle!
Cute feet!
Splashing away!
Mya and Sami are the best of buds!
I love her hair! I hope it stays curly!
Aloha!!! Oh my where do I even begin. Maui was AMAZING to say the least! We got off to a rocky start on the plane ride over there. They ended up splitting Nick and I up!! They put me with Mya by the window next to a baby hating couple that would not let me sit in the isle seat so I could easily get up with Mya. They were also super mean the whole 5 hour and 42 minute flight. Then to make things worse they put Nick in the exit isle where anyone younger than 18 can't sit! That meant he couldn't hold Mya the whole time!!!!!! I was so stressed Mya cried a lot of that was so sad. I think she was even more stressed out because I was and the people around us were just mean. It is truly amazing that I didn't break down and cry, I knew if I started crying I wouldn't stop then there would have been two of us bawling the whole flight. :) Ugh it was an aweful flight that seemed to last forever! On a good note when we landed Mya laughed when we hit the ground cause we bounced a little, at least that made us smile! We could not have been happier to get to Maui. Mya's skin did so good. It was so soft and all of her eczema patches disappeared within a day. She seemed to catch on to Hawaiian time fast and she was able to resume a good schedule there which was nice cause it made her happy and it allowed us to take her wherever we went! Her hair was wild and out of control but so dang cute! She had little curls all over and if we were outside much it just kind of all poofed out! She loved the water and just being outside. We took her on lots of walks in her stroller and in her little backpack. Maui is so gorgeous! It was by far one of the best vacations I have ever been on. Nick's parents are great and tried so hard to make it a great vacation for all of us. Mya loved playing with the kids so much. She has some pretty amazing cousins that love her to death!  We saw pretty beaches, amazing flowers, turtles, whales, ate yummy food, relaxed, snorkled, went boogy boarding & surfing, walked, played on the beaches, shopped & hiked! We didn't want to leave that's for sure. It was the perfect vacation other than I missed my family. My family may be going back in September to either Maui or Kauai, we'll keep our fingers crossed cause I can't wait to go back. Sorry there are a ton of pics cause yeah I took 378 pictures while we were there (lol)! I am crazy when you put a camera in my hands :)  Hope you enjoy them and I'm sure more will pop up in the future. It has been a bit of a rough week trying to get Mya back on her normal schedule, she got held a lot and we were with her 24/7 so she got a little over spoiled :) These last couple days have been better and she seems to be adjusting back to her regular routine. She is now eating cereal and carrots which she loves. She is getting to be such a big girl. Today she burped and then stared laughing so hard at was pretty cute. She did the same thing yesterday only it was a toot that she thought was so hilarious, oh dear Nick is really starting to rub off on her! I started my part time work schedule today and Nick started school. I am way excited about my new work schedule cause it will make it so I get to spend more time with little Mya but I feel bad for Nick he is going to be crazy busy this semester. At least we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, only 2 more semesters after this one!! I am getting ready to turn 31 this week....AHHHHHHHHH! It seems so old! We are going to look for a cute blessing dress for miss Mya. We got her blessing all scheduled with our Bishop for Sunday Feb 5 at 11:00 AM. Cooper gets blessed the same day so I think it will be pretty special, we are very excited for both. Lots of fun stuff!! We love you and can't wait to see you again. Good luck with school, let us know when you get your West Point letter. We were so grateful to have Mya this Christmas it made it one that we will never ever forget! Thank you!!

All our love,
Nick, Tiff & Mya

Here's some home videos from our Hawaii trip.....

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