Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The joys of teething!

Mya's favorite thing about teething, she gets to eat popsicles with me! She LOVES it!
Anything cold in her mouth she really loves right now. She is getting very good at drinking from her sippy cup, we have been giving her cold water which I think helps her mouth pain. She seems to enjoy it especially if she gets fussy! One of her favorite things is to chew on a cold wash cloth.
Yum cold apple sauce. She always makes this face when she is trying hard to do something....oh so cute! Look at that serious concentration!
Such a cute picture, see the Baby Oragel off to the left...these were taken right after we rubbed that all over her gums. It makes her so happy other then she does not dig the taste.
Here she is with her caterpillar comb that she loves to hold and chew on while I change her diaper or do her hair! I have noticed that right now she loves chewing on anything. Poor girl getting teeth would not be fun!
Man her teeth are sharp she bit my finger today and I had little teeth marks on it. They are really popping up fast I am hoping to get some pics of them soon.
 She loves eating these apples in a bag. They are cold when I give it to her and I think it feels good on her teeth. She has learned to suck from the straw opening at the top, it reminds me of a juice box. She'll eat the whole thing!! She is such a smartypants!

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