Friday, January 20, 2012

6 Month Dr. Visit

Here's Mya at the Dr. for her 6 month visit! She takes up a lot more of that table than she used to! We have the same nurse every time we go and she is so nice. Mya just smiles at her and the Dr, they both love her!
She loved lounging in her diaper!
16.9 lbs!!!! She must be eating her veggies!
Always such a good girl! Both the Dr and the nurse commented on her teeny tiny feet. I swear they haven't grown at all.since she was born! They are so tiny and cute!

6 Month Stats: 1/20/2012 
Length:  25 3/4 Inches (53%) 
Weight: 16.9 lbs. (64%)
Head Circ: 45.0 (97%)

Her visit went good. He said she looks very healthy and all of her developmental patterns are completely normal and right on schedule! She had to get more shots which is never fun, I think she handles it better than me! She also has 2 little teeth popping through her gums on the bottom. So wow the teething nightmare that babies are supposed to go through.....has not been so bad with miss Mya! Poor thing I'm sure it doesn't feel good but she has still been such a good happy baby, so looks like she's a tough one like you. Isn't that so cool I can't believe she has teeth! She has one other one that is about to pop through on the top too. He did mention one not so fun thing. If you notice she has a bump on her forehead that goes from her nose right up the middle. We have never thought anything of it and just figured she would grow out of it. Her Dr today said that he would like her to see a neurosurgeon and have it checked out. Since she is 6 months old and it is still there he wants to make sure there are no problems. He said that is right where the skull fuses together, most of time babies just grow out of it. Anyway I have to wait until Monday to make an appointment but we will be taking her to Primary Children's soon to have them take a look. Please send prayers her way. We are hoping this is something that will not be a big deal. I know Heavenly Father answers prayers and I figure the more the better! I will let you know how things go once we get it all checked out.

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