Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Carrots, green beans and crackers....

Mmmmmm carrots!
We seriously make the biggest mess! Her face looks just like this when she eats her green beans only her face is all green instead of orange!
Look at this girl chow down on crackers!
Lol when she's done there are crackers everywhere! It's pretty funny.

She got really mad at me today when I was doing her hair. But we survived and it ended up looking super cute!

She looked so cute doing this today I snapped a bunch of pictures. She loves food!
On top of eating more solids she is drinking from a sippy cup too. She loves water, especially after she eats crackers. She is getting so big and doing new things every day. I have a funny video to post of her using her jumperoo! She can jump in that thing like it's no ones business! It makes me laugh so hard....just watch! Sorry about my lack of videoing skills and my annoying voice. 

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