Thursday, January 12, 2012

Birthday fun!

Here's me and Mya on my 31st birthday....the cake says 27 cause that's how old I decided to be this year. 31 sounded way too old! Lucky for me everyone plays along.
Here we are at Brick Oven Pizza with my family. I always choose to come here for my birthday!
Mya loved my balloons.
She started pinching the balloons really hard so I had to take them away before one popped on her. I used to work at a party store and I got welts from stupid balloons popping on me.
Here she is at Brick Oven drinking some water from a big cup!
These balloons would entertain her forever!
My little brother brought these to me at work.....nice right!
It was a fun day! Nick and Mya got me a facial at my favorite spa, it was so nice! Having Mya this year for my Birthday made it a little easier not to feel so old. 

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