Friday, January 20, 2012

Pictures, PICTURES, and more Pictures!

She is growing up so fast! I try to take a lot of pictures so we don't miss anything. She is such a fun loving little girl. Always happy and smiling or laughing, except when her food doesn't come quick enough then she lets us have it! We are teaching her sign language right now...or trying anyway. We have her say please every time before she gets her bottle and thank you when she gets it. I don't think it has stuck yet but we're hoping with consistency over time she'll learn.:)  She is starting to say mama a lot I have no idea if she actually knows what she's saying but it's pretty cute! Lately she has been making noises like baba. Nick is working to try and teacher her dada :) We'll see, we are excited to see which word comes out first! I still think I win with the Mama ;) We have her 6 month Dr. visit today can you even believe it. Tonight she gets to go to her cousin Carter's baptism, so fun! Mya and I are just having a chill morning, she is jumping like crazy in her jumperoo. She keeps looking at me to make sure I'm so funny! I'm glad you liked your birthday post...Mya was so funny when I put that hat on her she just looked at me like oh great what are you doing to me now. The pictures were so cute and she loved playing with the balloons again.  I will post an update of her Dr. visit later on. 

We love you and you are always in our prayers!

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