Saturday, May 5, 2012

9 months old!

9 months old...that band aid on her leg is from her Dr. visit. She is a pro at shots now. I am pretty sure it is harder for me to watch her get them than for her to actually get the shot! :)
We take SO many pics of her I think she is starting to like to pose for the camera!
The flash on the camera was really bright and it was making her giggle like crazy!
She was being so funny in these she was getting right up at the camera and trying to take it from me! Look at those cute little teeth!
Can you believe that at this point she has now lived with us as long as she was in your belly! Crazy!
About 2 weeks ago she started's almost like an army crawl but man she can get around quickly!! It's crazy all the things she can get into now. Nick caught her taking all the DVD's off the shelf. Pretty funny!
Nick is always making her laugh! She is such a sweetie!

 9 Month Stats: 
Date: 4/27/12
Length: 27 3/4 (55%)
Weight: 18lbs 13.5oz (49%)
Head Circ: 46.7cm (97%)

Things that she is doing at 9 months....
- Army crawling (She chases Louie all over the place)
- 4 teeth...2 on the top and 2 on the bottom
- Makes fish faces
- Talks ALL the time. Mom, Dad, bobba and other stuff that sounds like a foreign language
- Feeds herself real food like cheese, bread, pizza, chicken
- Gives kisses to everyone including the dogs
- She can make all kinds of funny noises (she will mimic almost any noise we make) 
-  Plays pattie cake
- Her favorite is to shake her head no to anything you ask her!
- She also loves to turn Nick's computer off....while he's working
- She can pull herself up to a standing position while holding our hands
- She can take steps while standing
- She can get up on her hands and knees, but doesn't really know what to do from there yet
- She can get herself from sitting position to laying down
- She goes from laying down to sitting...this one she just mastered yesterday
- She screams...not cause she is sad but literally just because she can. She is SO loud
- She is to the point where she is afraid of strangers
- Loves pushing buttons
- Likes when we read to her
- Great at being a sweetheart and a diva

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