Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July!!

Here are some pictures of Mya playing at a splash park on the 4th of July. We had a family reunion for the Jarrett's side in Herriman.
Look at Grandma going into the water fully clothed, she is so awesome!

Mya had a blast!

Her little nose scrunch face is one of our favorites! This little girl has quite the personality!
We had so much fun running around the park with her. She loves the water and had a great time too!

We were parked in the parking lot at the splash park eating our lunch and I turned around and Mya was standing up in her car was pretty funny!
Nick's uncle brought his little dog named Wookie!! Mya loved her so much!

She is so good at pulling herself up and standing. She can scale the furniture and walls, now she just needs to learn to let go and she will be walking! So fun and scary!!
Here's Mya playing with her cousin Austin, she loves him!
They had a "clown" guy come for the kids and do tricks and stuff, look how cute Mya looks leaning up against Austin.
She was very interested in the clown man and what he was doing!

Look at Nick, he is a regular pro at being a clown.
Here's Mya's dollar that she got from an Easter egg at the reunion, all the kids got to find eggs for some reason! They loved it cause all the eggs had money in them.

Mya is obsessed with pop cans. This one was Grandpa's empty can but she loved to try and drink from it anyway! She has plenty of energy we would be crazy to give this girl any pop!!

This is Mya's Great Grandpa Jarrett. He is 91 years old and maybe the cutest little man ever. You would never know he was that old. We love him!

Mya playing with Grandpa, they have lots of fun together!
We had a really good time at the family reunion. We had been out in the sun all day and by the time we got home we were all dead tired, so tired we didn't even make it down to BYU to watch the fireworks. I don't even remember the last time I missed those. :( It's okay though we have some fireworks planned for Miss Mya's 1st birthday party! We are grateful for the 4th of July we got to spend with our most favorite girl in the world! We are also grateful for the freedom that we have here in America, and so thankful for the people who fight and sacrifice so much everyday so that we can continue to have all the privileges and freedoms that we do. I bet it was cool to celebrate the 4th at West Point. We love you!

Happy 4th of July!!!

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