Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Mya Moo!!!!

We had a family BBQ at Nick's parents house for Mya's birthday!
These were cute little flower sets that Grandma Jarrett put on all the tables...they were so cute!
This was the present table.
We got cute plates, napkins and straws! Everything looked so fun!
Here's the drink area, with raspberry lemonade in the pitcher and then people brought lots of other drinks too. These are just to give you an idea of what the party looked like. Everything looked so cute and girly!
These are some color star ice cubes that I made for the party....I was pretty proud of myself for these ones and all the kids loved them.

Ashley had to leave for the airport before the party was over so Mya opened her present first. The bag had little piano keys that really played music!
Ashley gave her a bus that has little people in it and sings songs. It is darling and she loves it. She loves playing with cars and this is a pretty girly little car....we like it!
Here is the only good picture I got of her in her little birthday outfit. This was soon replaced with a swimming suit!
Here is a picture of the slip and slide that Grandma Jarrett rented for the party. It was sooooo much fun!
Grandma also had several little baby pools since there were so many babies at the party! We filled them with warm water which was awesome!
Mya loves corn on the cob, Grandma Young sat and fed her this forever!
Here we are about to open presents!!!! Lol she has no idea what the heck is going on, or that it is all for her!
That is my Grandpa on the left (my mom's dad). These are her cute balloons.
Here is Derek taking Cooper on the slip and slide.....Coopers face was awesome he wasn't sure what to think of it.
My brother Brady got these fireworks to do after dinner and swimming! We knew we could count on him for a good firework show!
This little swim suit is the cutest it is from Codie & Mary. It looks so cute on her.
There is a little outfit from my mom....Sami and Carter helped me open the presents! They are good cousins!
More cute stuff!!
Mya LOVES suckers. She was pretty happy about this giant looking one!
Dad helping her blow out the candle....
Brittney made this cake for her and it was so CUTE!
Nick had to blow the candle out before she touched the fire! :)
Britt also made her this delicious little cake that she could devour all on her own!
She did not love getting her hands dirty so this is what she resorted to, it was funny! Plus we were all laughing and clapping for her so I think she was wondering what the heck was going on!

Mya's cake had 4 layers in different shades of pink, Aunt Britt did such a good job!!!
On top of being cute this cake was really yummy!
Here I am cleaning the little stinker after her cake eating binge!
After all that I realized I forgot to put her birthday hat on....oops!
That is one of the pretties she got for her birthday.
I had to put this picture on here, all I was trying to do was get a picture of her with the stuff you guys sent her......she was pretty mad about the hat. :(
Oh poor tortured little girl! ;) She even looks cute when she cries!
Here's the stuff you sent for her! It is all so cute! Your mom was awesome and got 18 month stuff so she can grow into it. While we were looking at it she saw the butterfly headband and said "WOW!"
She really liked this one!
Here is the haul Mya made for her birthday. She loves to sit in her room and play with EVERYTHING!
What a lucky little monkey!

Still thinks that bracelets go on the feet...oh well :)
This is her kissing the horse Grandma and Grandpa Jarrett gave her. He sings (mouth moves and all) and she can sit on him and bounce or rock. She loves giving him kisses....how sweet!
Here is everyone who came to Mya's party:
Grandma and Grandpa Jarrett 
Grandma Young (Grandpa was working, he was sad to miss it) 
Grandma and Grandpa Powell
Britt, Derek and Cooper 
 Brady, Ashley, Paislee, Kaylee, Keegan and Kyson!
Codie and Mary
Brandon, Bailee, Austin, Carter, Sami (Carly had a reaction before and couldn't come, so sad!)
Ashley Jarrett all the way from California

We had so much fun, everyone was so sweet to her and I know she loved being able to spend so much time with family. As the night ended Mya fell asleep in my arms watching the fireworks. We had a really fun couple of days but it completely wore her out! Mya is such a special part of our family and I don't think there is any way possible that she could be loved any more that she is. She is an amazing little angel and we were so happy to be able to have the opportunity to celebrate her 1 year birthday. We missed you very much and look forward to the parties and birthdays when you will be able to be here with us! Now we are getting ready to move this weekend.....yikes! It has been the busiest couple of weeks ever and it doesn't look like it will slow down anytime soon. Life is awesome we feel blessed every single day. We hope you're surviving boot camp and that we will hear from you soon.

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