Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer fun!

This is Mya's first time seeing a sparkler, her response....."WOW!"
Mya and I at the Scera Pool! This is the pool my dad managed for like 22 years and pretty much where I lived from the time I was born until they tore it down to build a bigger "better" pool. I personally like the old one better but mostly for the memories!
Words cannot describe how much she loves the water!
She splashes, kicks, dunks herself in the water and walks on her own!
Nick finally got to come swimming with us and see her walk and be a maniac in the pool! He was pretty thrilled to see all her tricks.
Look at her freestanding walking to the pole. She liked to grab the top bar and do pullups, it was pretty darn funny!
She kept licking this pole...I know gross and a little weird!
Here she is running to the wall, she likes to be on her own in the pool so she tries to run from me :(
This is her about to plunge herself in the water! It is crazy she doesn't even care she just gets up, wipes her face and wants to go again! We are kind of a spectacle at the pool too since she is so little and loves it so much!

Mya and Cooper sitting on the grass at the pool eating nachos!
We went swimming 3 times this last week, it was so fun. Mya is so tan her skin just goes brown even with 50 sunblock all over her.

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