Thursday, July 19, 2012

What's Mya doing now?

Mya is so snuggley when she's tired! This is Nick holding her before her bed time routine which includes lots of reading, she loves her books! Then we still rap pajama time to her which she will now stand in her crib and shake her booty to!
She's formed an attachment all of a sudden to this blanket. She wants it when she's tired no matter how hot it is. If I take her out of her crib and she drops it she will point and grunt until I get the blanket out for her!

This is a card we were sending to you, Mya had so much fun coloring on it. This was her first experience using a pen and she loved it! This would have been sent sooner but I dropped my less than 2 week old iphone in the toilet!!! I lost all my contacts and messages which included the one with your new address. Sorry!
Here she is doing her usual asking me "what's that" pointing at the fan! She's so funny!
I caught her dumping my purse out again......:)
I was able to get close and get some pics before she noticed me.
This is her oh no did I do something wrong face! Lol!!
She has a new obsession with putting lids on and off of things, she sat and played with this little bottle for almost 30 min!
I think she looks so grown up in this pic :(
Sharing with Louie!
Ya gotta love those big blue eyes!
She also knows that this is the lid that smells yummy like her hair gel. She will put it up to her nose like this from time to time and take deep breaths, it is pretty funny!
Getting ready to play.......
Hiding behind the curtains!
PEEK A BOO!!!!!!!!! She has so much fun doing this with us, this is a new thing she's just started to do!
She loves trying to get Louie's food mostly because she knows she's not supposed to. We are trying to teach her that it's yucky, but it hasn't deterred her yet.
She's learning to throw the ball pretty good!

Attacking the camera!
Cute little girl!
This is the drawer I have all of her toys in and she is a pro at opening it up and emptying the toys out. She is also very good at putting the toys away! A clean little girl.....awe she makes me so proud!
If ya can't tell she is naked, she loves to try and escape as soon as I take her diaper off to change it!  Little stink!

This is a helicopter toy that Nick brought home from work....yes his desk was full of toys! You pull the tail and the little top piece flies off, she loves to chase after it and bring it back just like a little dog playing fetch.
This is my first week as a stay at home mommy and Nick's first week at his new job at Mya and I have had all kinds of adventures this week. We have been on lots of walks, swimming, party planning and prepping and of course playing! I LOVE being home with her all the time. It's been weird not to have to worry about work, but I'm not gonna lie I really like it. Plus Mya keeps me plenty busy all day long! Nick is really enjoying his new job at least as much as you can the first week while still in training and stuff like that. We had to buy another car so Nick got a little Nissan is the funniest little car ever it just makes me giggle! We will have to blog a picture so you can see. I have been planning Mya's first birthday party which we will do on July 24th. It will be really fun, we are doing a BBQ, fireworks, and swimming at Nick's parents house. We really wish you were here to join us. We are getting Mya's 1 year pics taken on Saturday, her 1 year doctor appointment is next Friday and then we are moving out of our condo next Saturday. Things feel pretty busy right now! Mya took her first few steps two nights ago not holding onto anything!! It was so awesome and she totally knew that she was doing something cool because her face would light up when she did it and then she would clap for herself and of course Nick and I were freaking out too! She was walking all over in the pool yesterday by herself and she loves going under the water. She would try and run away from me and plunge herself in the water. She had me laughing so hard! I love her so much! Nick was sad that he had to miss pool day. He is going through some major withdrawals being away from her all day. :( Life is crazy but good for us right now. We hope that everything is going well for you so far at West Point. We really miss you and can't wait to hear all about boot camp and your vacation to New York. I can't believe we are about to hit another one of those crazy milestones. Mya turning 1 is a pretty big thing and we hope that as you reflect on the past year that you can be happy, heal further and be so proud of yourself for all the things your doing! I'm sure things get hard sometimes and reflecting on the past is not always easy. We have you in our prayers and want you to know how much we love you! 

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