Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Grand America!

Here we are in our hotel room at the Grand America. I put Mya on the bed and the first thing she went for was the remote, she loves to push buttons! Look at this sweet little smile :)
She was climbing all over the pillows, falling over and then laughing her head off, she is a wild little girl!

Mya and I washing off in the bathtub after our swim!
Awwww look at that cute little bum!

She was obsessed with the chocolate they left on our bed. She wanted to eat all of them!
Here's the birthday girl!! I cannot believe she is 1, this year has flown by.
Waiting to eat breakfast!

We can't get enough of the pool!

Look at that trick.....we had so much fun!
Swimming is hard work, here she is ready for a break and a nap!
I am not even going to try and explain this one....lol!
Such a beautiful baby girl!

Happy, Happy Birthday! The Grand America was fun as always, we even got to have Ashley from California with us. This is honestly one of our favorite traditions. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Jarrett!

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