Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cute little monkey!

Chips and salsa, one of her favorite things to eat!
Cute little monkey! I have been singing that monkey's on the bed song with her and she loves it. She likes to grab her head when I say "they fell off and broke their head" :)
She is so funny, oh man she makes us laugh all the time!
Here's story time, we do this every night before she goes to bed as a family.
She loves shaking her head yes now, and we will ask her if she wants to read books and her eyes get bigger than normal and she shakes her head yes!!!! We let her pick the books she wants to read and she is in heaven the whole time we read!
Look how cute she is with daddy just reading her baby of her favorite books.
She thought this game while putting on her pj's was pretty funny, she was laughing so hard! We usually get lots of giggles before bed.
Love her smile!
We love brushing teeth before bed and in the morning! I have to help her or else she just likes to suck the water and toothpaste off of the brush. She loves doing this though which is good since she has 13 teeth!! Her uncle Brandon who's our dentist would be so proud!
I actually caught her the other day dipping her tooth brush in Louie's water and then sticking in her mouth......YUCK!
My little brother Brady has a house in the avenues in SLC that he is refinishing. I am in LOVE with it! We took Mya over there to check it out since it's almost done. If I had 1.2 million dollars I would buy it in a heartbeat!
She loves laughing at grandpa!
Grandpa's and grandma's are the greatest! When they are around Mya pretty much ignores us and thinks they are way cooler!

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