Friday, September 21, 2012

Going to see the ducks!

Look how freakishly giant this duck is.....I have never seen one so big.

She loves sunglasses or really just glasses of any kind!

I took Mya to see the ducks the other day. There is a lake up near the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. She was in heaven, she loved watching them and quacking with them. There were like 40 or 50 ducks. We thought it was so cool we took Nick back to feed them with us. He didn't believe me about the giant ducks until we got there! I let the giant white one take a whole piece of bread out of my hand. We had to keep shooing them away they all wanted food and were not afraid to come right up to us to get it. When there is like 40 of them coming at you it felt a little crazy!

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