Friday, September 14, 2012

One busy, funny little girl!

Mya loves getting into the DVD's as you've seen before on here! She just loves to make a mess!

She now knows how to go up stairs and she tries to sneak out our back door and go up the concrete stairs....not safe unless I am right behind her. Here is her sneaky face after I told her no.
She decided to shut the door instead....another one of her newly learned tricks!
We went to China Town one of our families favorite restaurants for Britt's birthday! Mya loves Chinese food!
Here is Mya's newest cousin Kyson. He is Brady and Ashley's baby boy. He was born in May, sorry I haven't posted anything about him yest but I haven't seen him much cause they live in Payson.
Using a fork.....such a big girl!
Have I mentioned how much Mya LOVES her Grandmas? ;)
Here's cute Britt and Cooper on her 26th birthday! Cooper is so much bigger than Mya he weighs like 23 pounds Mya is about 20. He is just thick and solid!
Her eyes look gorgeous in this picture!
Here she is with Uncle Derek.
Always sharing her food with Louie! For breakfast every morning she has milk and cheerios. She will eat one then she gives one to Louie! So nice, I hope she learns to share everything as good as this!
I love it Louie just stands underneath her and waits for the food! My other favorite thing is how she always crosses her little feet when sitting down.
So cute!!
Look at that goofy face....she was really on one today!
She loves driving Maggy around, that little Maggy Simpson doll was Nick's when he was little it came in a car with all the Simpson's in it. Mya loves it so much Grandma was able to pull all the people out for her. She gives Maggy kisses all the time and loves to play with her.
Again silly face......look she's standing all by herself!

Lol she is a ham!!!
This is outside in our backyard, she thought this was way fun!
I wish this picture wasn't so dark, she has the biggest smile on her face!
Jumping to Daddy!
This was a proud moment for me when I saw her doing this! I love to clean and it looks like she might love that too!

She says "wash wash" while she does this. It sounds more like "wa wa" but I know what she means!
That's my girl, she cleaned all the cabinets and was so proud of herself!
Ok this was funny! She got in my laundry basket and found my bright pink bra, thought it was a necklace and put it on her head! Lol!!!!
The funniest thing was that I was turned around putting stuff away in the closet and I turned around to this! I laughed so hard and flew to get the camera so I could get a picture. She was just chillin on her car with a bra around her neck and had no idea how cute or funny this was!
We still love going on our walks in the morning! I love how it is getting cooler. I remember how much I loved to walk her when she was brand new! Now look how much she fills out the stroller.....she is getting so big!
She is learning how to stand up in the middle of the floor without grabbing on something else to help her and this is how she starts out! I think we have a future gymnast!!!!
I especially love it when she does this and walks around in a circle it makes her look like she is break dancing!! I took her to a stake young womens activity the other night and this is what she was doing on the gym floor. She had everyone around us entertained....and distracted! :) It was really cute!
Oh yeah she still loves popcorn!

She was so excited to sit next to me on the couch and eat popcorn, no joke she ate about 90% of this. I am such a good mom this is honestly what she ended up having for dinner cause she ate so much....oops! It's got whole grains......
After she devoured it all this is what she decided to do!
We love her so much!

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