Friday, September 21, 2012

Life is great!

Playing with her baby!

She likes to share her babies sippy cup, she takes some then gives the baby some.
She makes little slurping noises when she feeds it to the baby. It is so funny!
She loves unloading all my shoes in our closet.
Look at her eating her corn on the cob all by herself. She loves it!!!!

She's just learned that she can close her eyes anytime. She does this and laughs. So funny!
Look at her crazy hair. We call this her pageant face. ;)

Mya loves making Nick put her toy's in his mouth. He's a good sport.

Putting up some Halloween decor with me.

This is her little section of the fridge where she likes to play with magnets. She just has a whole bunch of random ones that she loves taking on and off.  She also likes to dip the magnets in Louie's water. She even says "dip".
She is so pretty!!! I had a lady the other day tell me she should be on TV she is so pretty! I love it cause everywhere we go she makes people smile, I hope she's always that way. She just has a light about her that draws you in. She may be little but she has a big beautiful spirit.
I took Mya and Sami swimming the other day, they had so much fun. Mya wanted to chase Sami all over the place.
When we came home Mya watched Sami hula hoop, she was watching so close and then wanted to try it herself!
So cute!
After a long day and swimming I got her in the tub! She loves playing with her ducks! The first thing she says when she sees the tub is "duck".
She knows how to stand up in the tub now too. She will stand up and then hurry and sit back down before I make her sit down. She thinks it is so funny and laughs while she's doing it!

She has finally started to walk a lot on her own. She can even stand up in the middle of the floor without holding onto anything. She is still slightly nervous but I think before too long she will be up and walking on her own all over the place.  One of her new favorite things to do is jump. She will get on our bed or the couch and jump up and down while saying "jump, jump, jump". She likes crashing down and giggles a lot! She's trying to copy all the works we say too. She calls Louie. "La or Lou" she says, light, on, off, dip, stop, drop, walk, woof, duck, quack, mom, dad, ma (for grandma), more, no (says this one too often), dog, ya, ball, bottle (she kind of says ba, but we get it!). She nods her head up and down for yes. Now for kisses she says mmmmwaaa. She can also blow kisses which is really cute! She is such a good baby! Growing up way too fast though.

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