Thursday, September 6, 2012


I love when she colors, this is honestly how she loves to do it. Laying on the ground, it is so cute!
That purple blanket off to the side is the one she's in love with. She likes to have all the time. It's a winter blanket but she's wanted it with her all summer long :)

This is her face after she tried to eat the crayon.....yuck!
She also loves our new rug, it's really shaggy and soft. She likes to lay on it a lot!
There's those big blue eyes we love so much!

This is the kind of stuff Mya and I do all day long. We have been going on a lot of walks which is nice. We miss Nick because he is gone so much with school and work but he is usually able to squeeze a night walk in with us! We read lots of stories and run errands, she likes the car wash. She waves to everyone at the grocery store and last time I had the cashier tell me she should be in commercials because she is so pretty! Lol everyone loves her! We try and practice walking. She likes to go upstairs and visit Grandma and the dogs. We have fun!

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